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Mountaineer Moments

Tag: intellectual formation

Academic Achievements

EC Students Hone Debate Skills

Students in EC’s AP US History and U.S. Government courses practiced their debate skills during the third trimester. Students enjoyed debating ground for impeaching the

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Academic Achievements

Academy Spelling Bee

Congratulations to all our students who studied hard for this year’s spelling bee. Students in second through eighth grades participate in a classroom competition which

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Academic Achievements

APUSH Students Debate Nagasaki

Students in Mr. Peterson’s AP U.S. History class recently debated the following proposition. “This house concludes that the United States should not have dropped the

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Academic Achievements

Seniors Present Capstone Projects

The senior capstone experience is the culmination of a student’s intellectual formation at Everest. Students who submit a topic proposal and are accepted into the

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Everest Collegiate High School

Anatomy Skeletal Sweatshirts

In anatomy & physiology, EC students had to learn the names of all the major bones and differentiate between the axial and appendicular skeletons.  On

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