On Wednesday, April 19, EC students participated in the second annual Mountaineer Mission Day. This is a designated school day for our students to go out into the community and serve those in need. Mountaineers are called to be apostles and to use our gifts to reply to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of others. The day began with Mass, and each student received a missionary cross as they went out to spread Christ’s love to our community.
Freshmen and seniors were able visit the residents at the Lourdes Senior Community. The freshmen played games and served lunch to the residents, while the seniors held a prom for the residents. The sophomore girls were sent to the Well of Waterford where they learned about the program and did yard work. The sophomore boys prepared packing supply buckets and worked in the warehouse at D.R.A.W (Disaster Relief At Work, Inc.). The juniors volunteered to do yard work and help in the daycare unit at Grace Centers of Hope.
Some students shared their experience of the day:
“My favorite part of mission day was to give back to the community and show people what Everest is about while also coming to a better understanding of the things people struggle with.” -Matthew Bautel ’24
“We went in knowing these children had rough or unstable backgrounds, and through Christ’s love, we were able to give them just a bit of the joy they deserve to experience as children. We come onto this earth unable to control what situation we’ll end up in, and I believe every child should be allowed to feel like an actual kid and not have that compensated by their situation. We walked in Christ’s footsteps that day and helped spread not only His love but His mercy and joy.” -Erin Carr ’24
“My favorite part of the day was going to hangout with the elderly and making them smile.” -Andre Olejnik ’26