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Congratulations to the December Mountaineers of the Month who lived the virtue of obedience!

Blaise Ponce

“I would like to nominate Blaise Ponce for the virtue of obedience. Blaise is always obedient without hesitation or resistance.  He thoroughly and willfully follows through on what is asked of him every day without complaint.  Blaise is a wonderful example of obedience to his friends and classmates.” -Mrs. Reichert, Junior Kindergarten Teacher

Isaiah Dale

“I would like to nominate Isaiah Dale for the virtue of obedience.  Isaiah follows through on what is asked of him, even if he does not ‘feel’ like it.  Isaiah is a wonderful example to his friends and classmates on how to obey his teachers, no matter what his own desires are.” -Mrs. Reichert, Junior Kindergarten Teacher

Rebekah Haezebrouck

“I would like to nominate Rebekah Haezebrouck for the virtue of obedience. Rebekah follows directions well and right away. She follows directions completely, too. Rebekah is always happy and does not complain.” -Mrs. McGrath, Kindergarten Teacher

Nash Rosati

“Nash is always striving to live the virtue of obedience. He does what is asked when it is asked; however, he takes it a step further by remembering what was asked of him in the past and applying it to the present. Whether it be trying to live the way God calls him to live, or it be something as simple as putting the whiteboards away in the correct place. He is always looking for ways to grow.” -Mrs. Spieldenner, Kindergarten Teacher

Philomena Ariganello

“I would like to nominate Philamena Ariganello for the virtue of obedience.  Philamena comes into class prepared and ready to learn.  She listens to her teacher, follows directions, and always does her best.  It is an honor to nominate Philamena for the virtue of obedience.” -Mrs. Mick, First-Grade Teacher

Margaret Green

“I would like to nominate Maggie Green for Mountaineer of the Month. Maggie is always obedient. She listens and responds right away. She does exactly what the teacher asks her to do or not do and does it with a good attitude. Maggie never complains, sighs, or makes a comment; she just does it. She sets a good example for her classmates. Congratulations, Maggie!” -Mrs. McGrath, Second-Grade Teacher

Eva Kelly

“Eva is a great example of how one should obey; she does it immediately, cheerfully, and exactly the way she is supposed to. She is always willing to do what is asked of her, and she does it with a smile on her face. Eva works hard on every task that is in front of her and encourages her friends to do the same. I am very proud of her and how she is a great example to others.” -Miss Wildrick, Second-Grade Teacher

Elaine Westlake

“I would also like to nominate Elaine Westlake for the virtue of obedience. Elaine is a great listener and always completes what is asked of her.  When her tasks are complete, she also asks what she can do for others. Elaine is very cheerful in all her doings. Way to go, Elaine!” -Mrs. Walker, Third-Grade Teacher

Elizabeth Mileski

“I would like to nominate Elizabeth Mileski for the virtue of obedience. Elizabeth is always obedient throughout the entire day. She follows directions the first time, has a great attitude, and never complains. Elizabeth participates in class and does her work to the best of her ability each day. She seeks Mary when doing her classwork and has been overheard saying the rosary during the day during work time. So proud of you, Elizabeth, for living out the virtue of obedience.” -Mrs. Walker, Third-Grade Teacher

Wesley Haezebrouck & Jax Tillman

“The virtue for the month of December is obedience. Examples of obedience include listening to our parents, listening to our teachers, completing tasks as asked, and complying with school rules. The fourth-grade students mentioned obedience is doing something the first time when asked, listening, not complaining, and being patient. All of these are not only excellent examples of obedience but show us that obedience is a positive virtue in which our actions benefit all those around us.

Two students in the fourth grade regularly live out the virtue of obedience. Jax Tillman and Wesley Haezebrouck are not only respectful and kind, they complete tasks when asked without complaining, adhere to school rules, put forth their very best, and are patient. Both students’ actions reflect their personal morals and values, which promote a positive culture in the classroom. It is with honor that I nominate Jax Tillman and Wesley Haezebrouck as this month’s Mountaineers of the Month.” -Mrs. Motyka, Fourth-Grade Teacher

Giada Tocco

“Giada Tocco completes tasks that are asked of her with little or no hesitation. In addition, she demonstrates obedience as she follows directions well and turns in high quality work consistently. She is not deterred by challenging assignments.” -Mr. Sapienza, Fifth-Grade Teacher

Michael Leahy

“Michael Leahy tries hard and never complains whenever he is asked to finish an assignment or help to convey a message to a teacher, other students, etc. He has a positive attitude and shows a willingness to work through difficult tasks.” -Mr. Sapienza, Fifth-Grade Teacher