Congratulations to the January Mountaineers of the Month who demonstrated the virtue of generosity!
James Ashby
“I would like to nominate James Ashby for Mountaineer of the Month for generosity. James is extremely generous and is a wonderful example of putting others before himself. He is always the first one to make a sacrifice or give away a treat he has earned to someone who did not get one. James really understands how to make sacrifices and do without so that others may have what they want.” -Mrs. Reichert, Junior Kindergarten Teacher
Asher Dinha
“Asher demonstrates the virtue of generosity by giving up his free time to help others. He is always asking his teacher if he can help in any way. He also loves sharing markers or crayons with his fellow classmates. A day doesn’t go by without Asher being generous to someone else.” -Mrs. Mick, Kindergarten Teacher
Georgia Van Wagoner
“I nominate Georgia Van Wagoner. Generosity is the virtue through which a person acts unselfishly and cheerfully, and Georgia demonstrates this daily. Georgia is very thoughtful and always has others’ best interest at heart. She puts her friends first before herself. Georgia truly lives the virtue of generosity and does so with a happy heart.” -Mrs. Van Pelt, First-Grade Teacher
Anthony McGrath
“Anthony has one of the biggest hearts of any child. He is kind, generous, caring and understanding. He truly wants to make everyone who comes across his path feel welcomed and loved. Anthony goes above and beyond to show his classmates that they are important to him. He will randomly come in with small tokens or pictures for his friends. He freely gives his time, his talents, and his smile to everyone. Anthony is a great example of what it means to be generous.” -Miss Wildrick, Second-Grade Teacher
Ximena Ortega Machado
“I nominate Ximena Ortega for Mountaineer of the Month for the virtue of generosity. Ximena is always willing to share her special treats from Mexico with anyone who asks her. She is quick to lend a hand if I need help in the classroom or to help a friend who may need an encouraging word.” -Mrs. Ohlinger, Third-Grade Teacher
Leo Dziekoński
“I nominate Leo Dziekoński for Mountaineer of the Month for the virtue of generosity. Leo in his gentle way, always shares with others-whether it’s his time, talents, or snack. He is always aware of who may need a helping hand and volunteers to assist anyone in need.” -Mrs. Ohlinger, Third-Grade Teacher
Abby Londeck
“For generosity, I would like to nominate Abby Londeck. In art, Abby was so generous by encouraging her fellow art students that their art work was amazing just like them! She did this throughout class to anyone who was feeling negative about their work. She is so kind and has such a great attitude! I love to see how Abby’s generosity helps her classmates.” -Miss Gordon, Art Teacher
Violet Taylor
“I’d like to nominate Violet Taylor for this month. Violet shows her generosity in many ways. She is the first one to share a snack with someone who might have forgotten. She readily gives of her time by being the first to jump up and help someone clean if they spilled their water bottle or help clean their desk or cubby. Violet is generous with her gift of time.” -Mrs. Barone, Fourth-Grade Teacher
Claudia Denver
“Students in the fourth grade identified generosity as giving more than you get, thinking of others more than you think of yourself, and letting go of material things to focus on what really matters. Claudia Denver is someone who can be identified by these standards. She is always appreciative whenever someone does something for her, she consistently thinks of others, always has a smile on her face, and focuses on those things that really matter in life. In the words of Dalai Lama, ‘Generosity is the most natural outward expression of an inner attitude of compassion and loving-kindness.’ Claudia Denver exemplifies her compassion and loving-kindness through her attitude of generosity every day. It is with honor that I nominate Claudia Denver as January’s Mountaineer of the Month.” -Mrs. Motyka, Fourth-Grade Teacher
Simon Khouri
“I would like to nominate Simon Khouri for Mountaineer of the Month. Simon shows generosity by allowing others to go first and doesn’t complain. He is a great example of generosity for his classmates.” -Mr. Sapienza, Fifth-Grade Teacher
Magnolia Heasley
“I nominate Magnolia Heasley for the virtue of generosity. She always allows others to go first and never complains. She carries a positive attitude even when some of the subject material is difficult to work through.” -Mr. Sapienza, Fifth-Grade Teacher