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Congratulations to the August and September Mountaineers of the Month who demonstrated the virtues of self-discipline and charity.

Claire Kersey

“I would like to nominate Claire Kersey for Mountaineer of the Month  Claire is quick to do what is asked of her and waits patiently for her classmates to follow suit. She helps her friends, but still knows how to stay focused and on task. In these short few weeks of junior kindergarten, Claire has already been a wonderful example to her peers of self-discipline and managing her time in the most effective way.” -Mrs. Reichert, Junior Kindergarten Teacher

Wendy Krogh

“Wendy has exemplified the virtue of charity all month.  In these three short weeks, Wendy has done many nice things to help her new classmates in JK.  She is genuinely concerned for the needs of her friends and always makes a point to congratulate her friends on their accomplishments or offer hugs when they are sad. As a class we read Have You Filled a Bucket Today?, which described how easy it is to fill another person’s bucket with kindness and appreciation.  Wendy has also been a beautiful example all month by noticing the needs of everyone around her and finding ways to ‘fill their buckets’.” -Mrs. Reichert, Junior Kindergarten Teacher

Reardon Anderson

“Reardon demonstrated September’s virtue, charity, by helping friends sound out letters when reading books.” -Mrs. Mick, Kindergarten Teacher

Mary Ashby

“Mary demonstrated September’s virtue, charity, by constantly helping friends clean up their messes in the classroom.” -Mrs. Mick, Kindergarten Teacher

Luke Taykowski

“Luke Taykowski demonstrates the virtue of self-discipline on a daily basis. He is an excellent role model and leader for following classroom rules. Luke is a hard worker and persists even when faced with difficulties or distractions. Luke is always attentive when someone is speaking. He helps and shares with others, while guiding them to make good choices.” -Mrs. Van Pelt, First-Grade Teacher

Will Smarch

“Charity is more than a service project. It is love for all and caring for those around us. This is evident on a daily basis by the kind and caring words I hear Will Smarch speak. Will has a beautiful heart. Will doesn’t hesitate to praise a classmate for a job well done. He also gives words of encouragement when he sees a classmate in need. Will truly has Jesus in his heart, loving others and wanting what is best for them.” -Mrs. Van Pelt, First-Grade Teacher

Michael Leahy

“Michael looks for opportunities to help and share his materials whenever anyone needs them. I never even have to ask, he just sees the need and fills it. This is why I think Michael deserves this acknowledgement of charity.” -Mrs. Ohlinger, Third-Grade Teacher

Anna Dean

“Anna comes into class every day prepared and ready to do her best. She uses the virtue of self-discipline to stay on task, raise her hand when she has a question, and works quietly at her seat.” -Mrs. Ohlinger, Third-Grade Teacher

Bryan Bowden

“I nominate Bryan Bowden for August Mountaineer of the Month. This is a virtue that he lives consistently. Bryan is always on task and focused in music class. He is a positive leader for his classmates, encouraging others to participate and stay on task as well. He is not afraid to walk away if someone tries to distract him. I see a lot of maturity and good decision making from Bryan, and I am very proud of his ability to show self-regulation and self-discipline daily.” -Miss Watt, Music Teacher

Ava Pruchnicki, Mason McGovern, Jacob Luginski

August’s virtue of the month is self-discipline. Self-discipline can be referred to as self-control, will power, persistence, and motivation.  Three students in the fourth grade embody self-discipline and its associated characteristics. Mason McGovern, Jacob Luginski, and Ava Pruchnicki have been self-motivated since the start of the school year. Each one of these students complete their assignments on time, ask questions, and are motivated to put forth their very best effort in all that they do. It is my privilege to nominate Mason, Jacob, and Ava as August’s Mountaineers of the Month.” -Mrs. Motyka, Fourth-Grade Teacher

Madeline Johnson

“Maddie shows charity by being kind to others.  She’s willing to share and is usually one of the first ones to share a snack or book.  Maddie is sweet to her classmates and friends and can be forgiving if mistakes are made.  Maddie shows God’s love by her kind nature.” -Mrs. Barone, Fourth-Grade Teacher

Brooklyn Londeck

“When we think of charity, what comes to mind is usually money. It is true that financially supporting an institution or a cause is a wonderful act of charity. However, charity can mean so much more than donating money. Charity could look like someone donating their time and talents to others, volunteering at a food bank, pet shelter, or homeless shelter, donating gently used clothing, and spending time with the elderly, etc. When thinking about the virtue of charity, I’ve witnessed one student in particular donating her time, talent, friendship, and school supplies to others in the school. This student is Brooklyn Londeck. Each day, Brooklyn seeks out ways to help and/or give to others. It is with great pride that I nominate Brooklyn Londeck as September’s Moutaineer of the Month.” -Mrs. Motyka, Fourth-Grade Teacher

Branden Sandeen

“Brandon is always on task and focused when others around him are not or are distracting. He is always good at self-control and being attentive in class. He waits patiently and politely instructions and art materials.” -Miss Gordon, Art Teacher

Emma Gulda and Charlotte Stacey

“Both Emma and Charlotte have worked diligently and thoughtfully throughout the first month of the year. Both have displayed excellent conduct and quality of work as well.” -Mr. Sapienza, Fifth-Grade Teacher