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EC teacher Maria Mellis spent part of last summer on a pilgrimage across parts of Europe. In her recent article published on Radiant Magazine’s website, Miss Mellis shares how the lessons from her summer pilgrimage experience have helped her during the coronavirus pandemic. She concludes the article with an invitation:

“In this time of Lenten journey and viral infections, may we have the grace to recognize our own pilgrim status. For to be a pilgrim, we don’t have to hit the trail; we need only choose to have a pilgrim heart — a heart awake to encounter God’s goodness and providential care at every turn. Psalm 84:6 declares, “Blessed the man who finds refuge in you, in their hearts are pilgrim roads.” Lord Jesus, please use these days of trial to pave our hearts with pilgrim roads that lead home to the Father. We trust in you!”

Check out the full article linked above!