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“I love having my grandparents visit Everest because they get to be with you in Mass.” -Olivia Rydesky, Third Grade

Friday, October 11 was the 19th annual Grandparents’ Day at Everest Academy. Students and grandparents alike look forward to this special morning together. Grandparents join their grandchildren at Mass. Fr. Thomas Salazar, LC, celebrated the Mass and encouraged students to listen to their grandparents and their experience as wise guides in their lives.

After Mass, families enjoyed time together with refreshments and the opportunity to have their photo taken. Sir Edmund, the Mountaineer mascot, came to greet everyone. The preschoolers were particularly big fans as some of them met Sir Edmund for the first time! International students don’t miss out on the fun as they are able to spend the day with their student ambassadors and their grandparents.

The morning is full of special memories for all involved. Third grader Rachel Luginski shared, “I love having my grandparents visit Everest because you can show and tell them all about where you learn.”

Perhaps third grader Angelina Fantin said it best of all: “I love having my grandparents here because they are the best grandparents, and I love them.”