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Homecoming week is a highlight of every school year. This year’s was no different. Here are some of the highlights from the EC student government:

“My favorite part of homecoming week is doing fun activities with your class and forming closer relationships with teachers and other classmates.” -Jane Nedwick, EC Student Government Secretary

“My favorite part about homecoming weeks is the dance and senior sunrise. The dance is something to look forward to every year, and senior sunrise is something special to the senior class that allows them to have a good time eating coffee and donuts before school and during first period.” -Annelise James, EC Student Government President

“My favorite part about homecoming week is powderpuff and the class lunch. Powderpuff is a fun thing you get to do with all your friends and you have fun even if you’re just on the side cheering. The class lunch is a good time to form better relationships with everyone in your grade.” -Lucia De Nigris, 10th Grade Girls Class Rep

“My favorite part about homecoming week was the class lunch and the homecoming dance. The class lunch gives you an opportunity to become better friends with all your classmates, and the homecoming dance is a way to have a great time and have fun with all your friends.” -Jose De Nigris, 9th Grade Boys Class Rep

“My favorite part of hoco week was the dance. It was nice knowing I was the best dressed there. I also enjoyed hungry hippos because it was something new that was very fun and will hopefully be done again in the future.” -Eduardo Dominguez, EC Student Government Vice President

“Homecoming was a fun week full of laughter, fun, and school spirit. My favorite part was class lunch because of the food.” -Fernando Caccia, 12th Grade Boys Class Rep