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Parenting doesn’t come with a manual, yet by vocation parents are called by God to be the primary educators of their children, helping them navigate through all the changes that occur as they grow and develop.  To support them in this mission, the Everest Parent Program offers, among many offerings, All in God’s Plan an evening for boys and their dads and an afternoon for girls and their moms.

This event provided an opportunity for parents to start or continue a conversation with their fifth grade or middle school child(ren) about the topic of growing up. With talks including themes of Theology of the Body, identity formation, and puberty, participants were able to grasp a well-rounded perspective regarding the changes they are experiencing as they grow up. While children received very helpful information, parents were also grateful for the tools that were given for them to address these topics and take the lead on their child’s formation.  Everest thanks all those who contributed to make this year’s event another successful opportunity for Integral Formation®.