Fine Arts
Everest fine arts programming helps students express their creativity and expand their critical thinking abilities. Through drama, music, and fine arts classes, students develop an appreciation for truth, beauty, and goodness.
Through the arts, students have many opportunities to explore the human experience, build cultural sensitivity, and come into closer contact with the living God. Our annual fine arts night for academy students showcases and celebrates their God-given talents.
The Everest theater arts program develops core drama skills and builds theater repertoire. Students are exposed to all types of dramatic presentations and study the playwrights from the major periods, beginning with the Greeks onward to Modern American Drama.
Our fall play and spring musical provide opportunities to practice physical/vocal expression, communication, imagination, and cooperation–skills students can use in their daily lives.
Everest students are exposed to music throughout their entire school career. They learn how to appreciate music as an art form, have opportunities to explore music on their own, and realize music as an expression of the person they are as created by God.
Band and choir options begin in 5th grade Middle school and high school students may select these options to fulfill their required elective courses.
Students learn how to express themselves through visual media and understand the social, historical, and religious context of art in history. As they grow in knowledge of studio arts, they have an opportunity to see how their work fits into this larger context.
From kindergarten, students apply their studio art learning to communicate their ideas effectively and creatively. In high school, art students develop a portfolio for admission to a college arts programs.