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U.S. Senate candidate, Mike Rogers, organized a roundtable discussion on athletics this past Monday in Grand Blanc. In addition to former Congressman/Senate Candidate Rogers, other panelists included Riley Gaines, Paula Scanlan – former teammate of Lia Thomas at the University of Pennsylvania, Betsy DeVos – former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education, and a number of current/former high school and college athletes.  The forum centered around fairness in women’s sports, particularly around transgender athletes.

Everest senior Madelyn Krappmann participated in the event. She shared that she is grateful for the experience that Everest’s annual forensics public speaking competition has provided her to enable her to participate in this event.

Everest’s handbook aligns with the Archdiocese of Detroit in stating, “By virtue of each person’s creation in the image and likeness of God as male or female, and to the truth that God’s plan for our holiness and flourishing is revealed through our bodies, all ministers of the Church in the Archdiocese of Detroit (clergy, employees, and volunteers), students, and registered youth program participants shall respect their God-given biological sex regarding (but not limited to) the use of personal pronouns, dress code, bathrooms, and all other facilities.”