On Friday, May 12, a record-breaking number of guests filled the tent in Everest’s front parking lot to celebrate and support the firm foundation of the vision and mission of Everest.
The nearly 500 guests enjoyed food provided by Gary’s Catering, Sweet Whimsies, and Bearclaw Coffee, entertainment by Everest’s own Mr. Steve Taylor as well as Nuclassica, and – of course – raised their paddles early and often to support Everest.
“Every day at Everest there are seeds planted in the hearts and minds of Mountaineers, seeds of faith, formation, learning, friendship, virtue, and apostleship. All one has to do is walk through the hallways, step into a classroom, or observe an arts performance or athletic competition to see these seeds being planted, sown, and nurtured. In a week, we will witness our graduates walk across the stage as young men and women prepared for the next steps in their journeys. The seed will continue to grow, but Everest has served them well by teaching them to be Catholic Christian leaders who are capable of utilizing their strengths, so they can fulfill the unique plan God has for each of them. This is our mission. This is the foundation we contribute towards this evening.”
-Mr. Michael Nalepa, President, Gala Letter
For the second year in a row, the evening raised over $500,000 for the school and for this year’s fund-a-need cause of STREAM programming at all grade levels.
Many thanks to all our sponsors, donors, silent auction participants, volunteers, and attendees! We couldn’t have done it without the leadership of this year’s chairs, Carl & Melissa Szasz and Harrison Tong & Andrea Goethals.
“When we chose Everest 13 years ago, we hoped that we were making the right choice for Allison. Confidently, we now know that we made the best decision for our family and Allison’s education. It has been a blessing to see Allison’s growth – in character, intellect, and in her faith. Words cannot easily describe how proud we are of Allison and her accomplishments in and out of the classroom. But more importantly, we are so blessed to see Allison’s faith and spirituality flourish. The support of the entire Everest community has been tremendous and pivotal in Allison’s formation and personal development. As we approach the end of Allison’s journey at Everest, we know that she has formed so many meaningful relationships and lifelong relationships, and she will carry many special memories with her into the future.”
-Harrison Tong and Andrea Goethals, Parents of Allison ’23 and Cameron ’26, On the Occasion of Senior Honors Night 2023
“When we first chose Everest, it was for the well-rounded Catholic education with small class sizes. In the past five years, we’ve continued to stay at Everest because of the family atmosphere, supportive and caring staff, emphasis on in-person education, and unprecedented parental involvement. Unlike other schools, it’s not just our kids that go to Everest, we feel involved too. Between Bible study on Mondays, dad’s basketball on Sundays, and tailgates on Fridays, every day is an Everest day. We love it!!”
-Carl & Melissa Szasz, Parents of Carl ‘30, Julius ‘33, and Troy ‘35
A special word of congratulations to this year’s distinguished service award recipients, Mrs. Erin Van Wagoner and Marc & Natalie Lasceski.
This year’s grand raffle prize winners were:
1st Prize: Bill & Karen Beggs
2nd Prize: Jennifer Sesti
3rd Prize: Chris & Becky Cross
Thank you to all for your generous support!