Sophomore boys and sophomore girls visited Grace Centers of Hope on March 14 and 16 to volunteer and support the ministries the center sponsors. Two students shared their experiences. Grace Centers of Hope offers faith-based, long-term life skills programs for men, women, and children who are seeking shelter and healing for their souls.
“Grace Centers of Hope is truly a place I have never experienced before. As soon as you walk in, you can see how the Holy Spirit is working in those people’s lives, making a difference in their own and the people around them. Everyone in that place is a family. They each have their own struggles and reasons they’re in there, but they all work together to lift each other up and help them get back on track with their lives. My heart was so warmed as I talked to one of the residents there who came in looking for more in his life. He came to know the Lord and realized that He offers him a peace that nothing in the world has given him, and has made it a priority to listen and accept God’s plan for his future. I would’ve never guessed that he had a hard past based on how much joy and number of smiles he gives off, and it’s all thanks to the Christian community he was welcomed into. Grace Centers of Hope is a blessing in our crazy world right now; spreading love and changing lives one person at a time. This organization is living proof that no mistake, choice, or past can keep you from the love and redemption Jesus has to offer to His beloved children. We spent our day prepping lunch for many people in need and volunteering in their daycare with some of the happiest children I have ever met. This visit has already impacted my life, and I plan to volunteer there again very soon.” – Abby Legg
“I had an amazing experience on our mission trip. I spent the day with the four year old’s in the daycare center. It was awesome to see how just playing and spending time with them can make such an impact they were so joyful and were fun to be with.” -Oliver Neiman