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On Wednesday, February 16, the fifth-grade girls and their moms had a retreat together, and – on February 23 – the fifth-grade boys and their moms had their turn for their retreat.  The retreat was bittersweet, especially for the moms. While there was excitement to spend the morning together, there was also a little sadness knowing it is the last elementary mother and child retreat they will have with their children. Next year in middle school, the boys and girls will go off campus for a full day retreat with their classmates.  Some of the high school ECYD team leaders helped to lead reflections and lead a craft for the students while the moms met with Miss Rose for a reflection and fellowship time.  The girls made “Cutie Catchers” for their moms, sharing why they are blessed to have their mom, what they are grateful for, what they love about her, and what their favorite thing to do with her is.  The boys made a gratitude cube, trying their best to make is a good trophy to give their mom, sharing the six things they most want to thank her for. Thank you, moms, for taking the time out of your day each year to spend the morning with your children and to grow in your relationship with Our Lord.