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Congratulations to the January Mountaineers of the Month who lived the virtue of generosity!

Rowan VanGorder

“I would like to nominate Rowan VanGorder for Mountaineer of the Month for generosity.  Rowan is extremely generous and is a wonderful example of putting others before himself.  He is always the first one to make a sacrifice or give away a treat he has earned to someone who did not get one. Rowan is generous with his classmates and friends, and very often is the first one to ask his friends if they need help. Rowan really understands how to make sacrifices and do without, so that others may have what they want.” -Mrs. Reichert, Junior Kindergarten Teacher

Anthony McGrath

“I nominate Anthony McGrath as Mountaineer of the Month. Anthony may be a ‘little’, but he has a big heart! Generosity is the virtue through which a person acts unselfishly and cheerfully, and Anthony demonstrates this on a regular basis. It is not unusual for Anthony to leave a treat in a friend’s cubby just because he knows it’s that person’s favorite.  You can see by the smile on Anthony’s face the joy he has in giving when he sees his friends’ reactions when they find their surprise. Anthony is always giving his time to assist in the classroom. He is very thoughtful and never hesitates to help. Anthony truly lives the virtue of generosity.” -Mrs. Van Pelt, First-Grade Teacher

Isabella Vicari

“Bella is a great example of generosity. She is very generous with her time and always willing to help others and her teacher. When she has free time, she will ask if she can do anything, as an example: take the blue folder down, take the library books down, or if there is any job in the classroom. She will help her classmates if they are having trouble with their school work. Bella has a very kind heart and is great at putting others before herself. Way to go, Bella!”-Miss Wildrick, Second-Grade Teacher

Liela and Landon Gantos

“I’d like to nominate Liela and Landon Gantos for the virtue of generosity. Whenever there is a campaign, they are always the first to bring in cans, coats, or food. They bring in pizza and breadsticks at lunch and share with the whole class. If someone needs something, Liela is always offering to share. I’m proud of the generosity they show to their classmates.” -Mrs. Ohlinger, Third-Grade Teacher

Mia Mandziuk

“Throughout the world, we can find acts of generosity. Maybe it is leaving a generous tip at a restaurant, buying a meal for one who is less fortunate, buying someone else’s groceries at the grocery store, giving blood, or donating money to an organization. These are all wonderful acts of generosity and ways people try to make our world a better place.

However, being generous is more than merely giving something to someone. It is about the way you think and act. Being generous is about ‘how you spend your time and the attention you give to others.’ Showing generosity could be lending someone that pencil in class, staying a few extra minutes to help the teacher clean up, holding the door for someone when entering or exiting the school building, picking up the floor in the classroom – even when it is not your trash, sharing your umbrella at school pick-up, helping someone open their locker, or being a listening ear for a friend.

Through her generosity and actions, Mia Mandziuk creates that positive change in the classroom. Mia comes into the classroom each day with a welcoming smile on her face. She gives her attention to others and is that listening ear for anyone who needs a friend. Mia often volunteers to help her teacher and others. Whether intentional or not, Mia lives each day to make someone else’s day a little bit better. Mia is a shining example of the good (#BeTheGood) we want to see in the world. This is why it is a privilege to nominate Mia Mandziuk as this month’s Mountaineer of the Month.” -Mrs. Motyka, Fourth-Grade Teacher