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Congratulations to the December Mountaineers of the Month who demonstrated the virtue of obedience! #SemperAltius

Adeline Kelly

“I would like to nominate Adeline Kelly for the virtue of obedience.  Adeline is always obedient without hesitation or resistance.  She thoroughly and willfully follows through on what is asked of her every day without complaint.  Adeline is a wonderful example of obedience to her friends and classmates.” -Mrs. Reichert, Junior Kindergarten Teacher

Penelope Krogh

“Penelope listens and follows directions well.  She is always quick to get started completing her class work.  She has a happy heart and does not complain when she is asked to do something.” -Mrs. McGrath, Kindergarten Teacher

Mary Pontillo

“Mary exemplifies the virtue of obedience. Mary is respectful of the classroom rules and strives to be on “purple” every day. She has reached that goal many times already this year. Mary happily follows directions the first time they are given. Mary has model behavior when it comes to following our class rules and participating in activities.” -Mrs. Van Pelt, First-Grade Teacher

Seth (Moses) Abraham

“Moses demonstrates daily his goal of being obedient and moving up on the class behavior chart. He does an excellent job following our classroom rules. Moses also models obedience to God through his loving ways towards his siblings. I see so much love and joy between them when they interact at school. Daily prayer is important to Moses, and another way he shows his obedience to God.” -Mrs. Van Pelt, First-Grade Teacher

Anna Dean

“The motto in our classroom this month is ‘to hear or to listen’, and Anna lives this motto day in and day out. She is always listening to her teacher, to her classmates, and to the directions. Anna does things the first time that she is asked without any complaints. She constantly tries to finds ways to improve herself whether that is with her seatwork, her behavior, or her friendships. Anna is a great example of our virtue of obedience.  I am so proud of Anna and all of her hard work.” -Miss Wildrick, Second-Grade Teacher

Giada Tocco

“Giada Tocco is obedient in many ways. She is always listening closely for directions. Whenever she is asked to help out around the classroom she immediately does. She quickly and quietly completes whatever task is at hand without a single complaint.” -Miss Gjokaj, Second-Grade Teacher

Ella Cross

“St. Ignatius Loyola once said, ‘Obedience is a disciple’s first duty.’ Ella Cross is a student who lives a life of obedience and discipleship. Each day, she models and teaches others the precepts of the Bible-mainly prayer and worship. Ella consistently leads her class in prayer before meals thanking God for His many blessings. She also models her life of prayer and devotion when in unstructured settings and at Mass. Through prayer, Ella consistently invites God into our lives so that we, too, can become more like Him. It is with gratitude and honor that I nominate Ella Cross as this month’s Mountaineer of the Month.” -Mrs. Motyka, Fourth-Grade Teacher