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Everest Collegiate tradition honors both the soon-to-be graduates and the rising senior class in the final Mass of the school year when both groups are present. Ahead of next week’s AP exams, this year junior-senior transition ceremony fell on Friday, April 30.

Seniors are presented with the senior gift, a crucifix, as they prepare for the next steps in their journeys and “go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:19).

Seniors, in turn, pass on the torch to the junior class. The seniors lead the juniors in making the Everest Collegiate High School Oath by which students commit to living according to the ideals of the school. An excerpt of which reads, “You have given Everest to me as a place to discover and mature these many gifts. And you have given me to Everest in order that I may embody and spread the noble ideals of the Gospel…”

Collectively, the upperclassmen have led the study body through a year of challenges, adjusted expectations, and many unknowns. Their positivity and resilience has helped the students to make the most of a truly exceptional school year. Junior and seniors will enjoy the EC Prom next weekend.