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It has been two years since Everest students participated in a Eucharistic procession at school. In 2019, the procession was adapted due to the weather. This year’s procession returned to the traditional outside event concluding with benediction.

“The Eucharist is the source and summit of the whole Christian life. A eucharistic procession, therefore, is a public witness of the veneration toward the most holy Eucharist, conducted through public streets. It takes place in this way: A consecrated host – that is, the real and substantial presence of Jesus Christ: body, blood, soul and divinity – is placed within a monstrance, which is then lifted and carried by a priest who leads the faithful in procession. Like a pilgrimage, a eucharistic procession normally starts at one holy place and ends at another. This earthly journey reminds the Catholic faithful of their spiritual journey toward eternal life with God.

Eucharistic processions first became a popular practice in the life of the Church during the celebration of Corpus Christi, traditionally celebrated on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday.” –Faith Magazine

Everest students participate in the school-wide Eucharistic procession in the spring prior to the senior class’s final day on campus. The entire student body gathers to pray together. The moment is always a powerful time of prayer and unity within the school community. Thank you, Jesus, for your presence in the Eucharist!