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Everest students participated in Ash Wednesday Mass today to begin Lent. This year’s rite of ashes was administered with a sprinkling of ashes per the invitation from the Archdiocese of Detroit. Lent is a time of prayer, sacrifice, and almsgiving. Students and staff shared some of the resolutions they have made to live the next 40 days drawing closer to Christ:

  • Sophomore Jon Brzezinski is going to focus on being nicer to his brother.
  • Sophomore Gavin Harris is offering up sweet.
  • Sophomore Nathan Czach is going to workout every day and run three times a week.
  • Sophomore Luke Walker is giving up YouTube.
  • HS Dean of Discipline Mrs. Van Wagoner is offering up nonessential purchases and taking some extra time to pray.
  • Academy Formation Coordinator Miss Rose is going to have just one cup of coffee per day.
  • Third Grader Amy Walker is offering up chocolate, Skittles, and is reading the Gosepl everyday.
  • Third Grader Aiden Felix is taking extra time to pray.
  • Fourth Graders Brooke Pontillo and Bryce Anderson are offering up chocolate.
  • Third Grader Ella Cross is giving up brownies, cookies, her iPad, and bagels.