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Senior year is full of “lasts”, and the senior girls were determined to make the most of their last Everest retreat which took place in November.  “They came with hearts open to each other and to God, and this made for an awesome retreat experience.  I really enjoyed seeing them bond and witnessing God’s action as He revealed his love and spoke to their hearts.  We shared some really fun, spontaneous moments together like playing in the snow, singing at the top of our lungs, and even an arm wrestling match. We also shared in special moments of prayer time and honest sharing.  It is a great group of girls, and I’m so proud of them and happy to see them grow in their faith and friendships.” -Jill Swallow, Formation Coordinator

The theme of the retreat was “Shed Light on Your Story”, and many of the activities were geared at helping the students reflect back on their experience of school in gratitude and to see God’s hand in all things, even the difficult moments.

When asked to describe the retreat in a word, here is what some of the students said: refreshing, fulfilling, amazing, eye-opening, peaceful, full of love, freeing. Many of the girls shared that this retreat was their best retreat experience of all their years at Everest.