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Everest Collegiate High School & Academy’s spring Parenting on Purpose presentation was on the topic of cyber safety. The subject is a hot topic and parents are eager to discuss and receive tips on.  Those who attended were grateful for the information and the opportunity to ask questions.

The academy students had a visit from Robert Sacco, a representative from the Michigan Department of Attorney General.  Mr. Sacco presented the Michigan Cyber Safety Initiative program to the students.  Each presentation was age appropriate and given in small groups by classes.  In the early elementary presentations, Mr. Sacco talked about protecting your personal information and the “3 Keeps” which are: I Keep Safe, I Keep Away from Strangers, and I Keep Telling My Parents.  He stressed the importance of always being kind and treating others the way you want to be treated.  In the upper elementary presentation, Mr. Sacco spoke about the dangers of internet strangers and predators and stressed the importance to always know who you are talking to at all times and it should only be people that you know.  He also spoke about bullying and the importance of treating everyone with respect.  The middle school presentation covered the same topics but in greater depth.  Mr. Sacco stressed to the students the importance of never putting anything on the internet that someone would use against you, whether it be the words that they use and even personal pictures.  Thank you Mr. Sacco for your time and dedication to the safety of our students!