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Congratulations to the March Mountaineers of the Month!

Our elementary students exemplified the virtue of the month of responsibility. Responsibility means doing what I know I must do because of who I am: a child of God, a son or daughter, a student, a sibling, a friend. It also means taking care of what I have received: taking care of myself, of my things, and of nature.

Our middle school students continued to focus on integrity and authenticity as they had in February.

Mia Mandziuk

“Mia demonstrates the virtue of responsibility through her actions and behaviors. She keeps her belongings organized and is always prepared for the day. Mia is a kind and compassionate classmate. She is helpful and attentive to the needs of others.” – Mrs. Fazzoni, First Grade

Justin Arcidi

“Justin is always very responsible with his belongings and remembers what is expected of him without reminders. Justin is also very responsible when it comes to the consequences of his actions. Justin is quick to ask for forgiveness when he has done something wrong; and he is a wonderful example of responsibility to his classmates.” -Mrs. Reichert, Junior Kindergarten

Vinay Iyer

“Vinay demonstrates the virtue of responsibility on a daily basis. He comes to school prepared and is always ready to learn. He is also extremely responsible with his words and actions. Vinay is always positive and complimentary. He works hard with every task he completes.” – Mrs. Fazzoni, First Grade

Mary McGrath

“Mary exemplifies the virtue of responsibility on a daily basis. She keeps her belongings organized especially her desk and binders. Mary is responsible with turning her homework in on time and being prepared for class. She has a great work ethic and is a positive role model for others.” -Mrs. DePorre, Third Grade

Sean Felix

“Sean has stepped up his responsibility by ensuring that he is always prepared for class, putting full effort into homework, and acing tests. Sean has also increased his responsibility of having positive behavior in class. He is truly living semper altius!” -Mr. Mitchell, Fourth Grade

Robert Schramek

“Robert exemplifies the virtue of responsibility in all that he does. He is very faithful to finish his work in class and turn it in on time with his name on it. He is responsible with his materials and always has a clean desk and cubby. He is in control of his behavior and treats others with kindness and respect.” -Mrs. Ohlinger, Third Grade