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Congratulations to the Mountaineers of the Month of January who exhibited the virtue of generosity!

Luke Lutzke

“I would like to nominate Luke Lutzke for exemplifying the virtue of generosity. Luke is extremely generous and is a wonderful example of putting others before himself.  He looks for ways to be generous with his classmates and friends and, very often, is the first one to ask his friends if they need help. Luke really understands how to make sacrifices and do without, so that others may have what they want.” -Mrs. Reichert, Junior Kindergarten

Vinay Iyer

“I nominate Vinay Iyer for demonstrating the virtue of generosity.   At lunch one day, Vinay’s class was able to pick new seats.  When Vinay saw that a classmate was sad that he was going to have to sit in a spot that he did not like, Vinay immediately packed up his things and offered his spot to this classmate. He generously gave up his place without anyone asking him.” -Miss Rose Wieber, Academy Formation Coordinator

Mary McGrath

“Mary is always hard working and always has a positive attitude even when she was absent and had to make up schoolwork.  She was diligent and consistently communicated with me to make sure she stayed up to speed on material. She always volunteers to help whenever it is needed.” -Mr. Sapienza, Fifth Grade


Vaughn Mulrenin

“Every day Vaughn is looking for an opportunity to be generous with her time before class starts, asking if I need anything done before class, if I need the CD player from Mrs. Reichert’s room, or if she can pass out the music. She is willing to do the same at the end of class or anytime she can see something that needs to be done. She is also generous with her talents, being part of the Mass lector teams and EA music ministry. She is such a joy to work with!” -Mrs. Nalepa, Music Teacher